Saturday, 28 June 2014

This Ramadan...

Alhamdulillah that I have come to meet Ramadan again this year, that in itself is a beautiful blessing, I couldn't be more grateful!

When Ramadan comes round each year, there is like this shift in the atmosphere, and in some way it's like I can breathe much more clearer, the nights feel more cooler, and there is so much beauty everywhere.

This post will really be about what I hope to achieve this Ramadan and just simple reminders to myself.

First and most importantly, this month is my fast track lane to getting close to Allah, to put the time and effort into building the connection which if I am completely honest has weakened over the past year.

Since last Ramadan, so much has happened in my life that I cannot begin to make a list of them all in my head. There have been many downs, but each time I have been able to get back up, and I thank Allah for giving me the courage to do so.

I have also noticed that lately I have been filled with such negative emotions, which really just works to be the venom of a person's own body. I need to use this Ramadan to cleanse my mind and get rid of the black scars etched on my heart.

I hope to be forgiven. To start again. To breathe clearer. To love stronger. To be there for others. To never lose hope in Allah. To know my priorities. To smile wider. To be happier. All in all, be a better person In'sha'Allah!

I pray for myself and the Ummah, every person who is suffering, however big or small. I cannot express how glad I am that Ramadan has been granted to me for another year, and I strongly hope that I can make the changes that I couldn't make last year.

Let this month be my new beginning if nothing else!

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